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A Study on the Effectiveness of HPV vaccination planned teaching programme

Info: 1735 words (7 pages) Nursing Case Study
Published: 8th Apr 2021

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Tagged: HPVteaching

The study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of planned teaching programme regarding HPV vaccination among nursing students. The result of the study had been discussed according to study objectives.

To asses the pretest knowledge and attitude regarding HPV vaccination among nursing students in selected institution.

Among 90 nursing students most of the nursing student52 (57.78%) had inadequate knowledge and 38(42.22%) had moderately adequate knowledge and no one had adequate knowledge, regarding attitude majority of the nursing students 71(78.89%) had negative attitude and18 (20%) had neutral attitude and 1(1.1%) had positive attitude regarding HPVvaccination in pretest. The finding of this present study supported by Dual,B,et.al. (2009) reported was Target educational efforts are needed to ensure nurses involvement in the prevention of Human papilloma virus related diseases.

To asses the posttest knowledge and attitude regarding HPV vaccination among nursing students in selected institution.

Among 90 nursing students majority of the nursing students 74 (82.22%) had adequate knowledge and 11(16.7%) had moderately adequate knowledge and 1(1.1%) had inadequate knowledge and majority of the nursing students 81(90%) had positive attitude and 9 (20%) had neutral attitude and (0%) had negative attitude regarding HPVvaccination in posttest. The finding of this study supported by Beatly, et al. reported that after integration of HPV education in curriculum the knowledge base on HPV vaccination was improved.

To find the difference between pre test and post test knowledge and attitude regarding HPV vaccination among nursing students in selected institution.

The obtained post test mean value of knowledge 27.2 was higher than the pre test value 17.6. The mean difference between pre and post test was 9.6 and the obtained paired’t’ test value was 21.81 (p< 0.05) was highly significant.The obtained posttest attitude mean value 60.48 was higher than the pre test attitude mean value 39.97.the mean difference between pretest and post test attitude was 20.51and obtained paired’t’ value was 26.27(p<0.05) was highly significant.

To find the association between pretest, post test knowledge and attitude regarding HPV vaccination with selected demographical variables among nursing students in selected institution.

The finding of the study concluded that pretest knowledge had a significant association with educational status (Chi-square = 10.02) and post test knowledge with age (Chi-square = 7.37) and post test attitude with source of information (Chi-square = 6.04) and other demographical variables such as religion, family income , family history of cancer had not significantly associated with pre test and post test knowledge and attitude. These findings are supported by Chun Chao et al.(2007) Reported that there was statistically significant association between demographic factors with HPV vaccination.


The study is limited to nursing students who were studying in the C.S.I.Jeyaraj annapackiam college of nursing and C.S.I.School of nursing and also study is limited with six weeks of data collection.


The essence of any research project lies in reporting the findings. This chapter includes brief of the present study, conclusion, nursing implications and recommendations for the future studies.


A quasi experimental study to evaluate the effectiveness of planned teaching programme regarding HPV Vaccination among Nursing students in selected institutions at Madurai was under taken by J.Eswari in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Master Science in Nursing, Pasumalai, affliated to the Tamilnadu Dr. M.G.R Medical university, Chennai. The conceptual frame work of the study was based upon Ludwig Von Bertanlanffey’s general system theory. The instrument used for the data collection was a structured self administered questionnaire regarding HPV Vaccination. It was prepared based on the review literature with the help of the subject experts. A purposive sampling technique was used to collect data from the study participants. Data was collected for a period of six weeks. The data was gathered through structured self administered questionnaire. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. Data on association between knowledge and attitude with selected demographical variables were analyzed by chi-square test. Majority 52 (57.78%) had inadequate knowledge, 38(42.22%) had moderately adequate knowledge and majority 71(78.89%) had negative attitude, 18(20%) had neutral attitude regarding HPV Vaccination before planned teaching programme.But after the planned teaching programme Majority 74 (82.22%) had gained adequate knowledge and 15(16.17%) had moderately adequate knowledge and majority 81(90%) developed positive attitude and 9(10%) regarding HPV Vaccination.

Main findings of the study

The Majority 52 (57.78%) had inadequate knowledge, 38(42.22%) had moderately adequate knowledge and majority 71(78.89%) had negative attitude, 18(20%) had neutral attitude regarding HPV Vaccination before planned teaching programme.But after the planned teaching programme Majority 74 (82.22%) had gained adequate knowledge and 15(16.17%) had moderately adequate knowledge and majority 81(90%) developed positive attitude and 9(10%) regarding HPV Vaccination.

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There is significant association between pre test knowledge with educational status, post test knowledge with age and post test attitude with source of health information .But there was no significant association between pretest attitude with selected demographic variable. The obtained post test mean value of knowledge 27.2 was higher than the pre test value 17.6. The mean difference between pre and post test was 9.6 and the obtained paired’t’ test value was 21.81 (p< 0.05) was highly significant. The obtained posttest attitude mean value 60.48 was higher than the pre test attitude mean value 39.97.the mean difference between pretest and post test attitude was 20.51and obtained paired’t’ value was 26.27(p<0.05) was highly significant. The finding shows that the planned teaching programme has a significant effect in increasing the knowledge and attitude of nursing students regarding HPV vaccination.


Existing knowledge and attitude regarding HPV vaccination showed that majority of nursing students had inadequate knowledge and negative attitude.

There was a significant association between pretest knowledge with educational status and post test knowledge with age and posttest attitude with source of health information and there was no significant association between pretest attitude with selected demographical variables.

Structured teaching programme was found to be very effective in increasing knowledge and changing desired attitude of nursing students regarding HPV vaccination.


The implication of the findings has been discussed in relation to nursing service, nursing education, nursing administration and nursing research.


Nursing curriculum need to be strengthened to enable nursing students to know about the newly introduced vaccination in order to provide guidance to public.

The study stress on the importance of nurses being knowledgeable to provide adequate information about HPV vaccination.

The nursing students may be motivated to give health education at community level regarding HPV vaccination.


Since nurses are the first source of knowledge for the public, so they have to be enhanced their knowledge regarding patients oriented health topics and educate the public regarding HPV vaccination.

Nurses should be knowledgeable and skillful and updated their knowledge based on newer innovations and practices.

Senior Nurses and Midwives can guide the nursing students based an newer practice as a integral part of their profession.

The result of the study will create awareness and motivate nursing students to guide the publics in right way to adopt HPV vaccination.


The finding of the study served as a basis of the nursing students on

Increasing awareness regarding HPV vaccination.

The study can be published in journal to disseminate knowledge regarding HPV vaccination.

The finding of the study served as a basis for the nursing professionals and students to conduct further studies regarding newer vaccination.


The nursing leader must utilize newer study findings, which is essential in teaching nursing students through in-service education programme.

Nursing administrator should take active part in health policy making, developing protocol, procedures and standing orders related to vaccination administration.

Nursing administrator should give special attention to modify immunization schedule based on newer vaccination.

Nursing administrator has to use their creativity, interest ability to educate the public regarding disease preventive measures like vaccination.

Extensive use of mass media propaganda regarding HPV vaccination can help in reducing the prevalence of cervical cancer due to HPV infections.


A similar study can be conducted among non nursing personals.

A comparative study can be conducted on knowledge regarding HPV vaccination between urban and rural mothers of adolescent girls.

A descriptive study can be conducted on knowledge and attitude regarding HPV vaccination among adolescent girls.

A experimental study can be conducted regarding efficacy of the HPV vaccination


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